About Miracle By The Bay

Working towards a better future for all

At Miracle By The Bay, we believe that every person deserves access to the basic necessities of life, especially those with special needs. That is why we work tirelessly to provide support to those who are struggling. Through our programs and initiatives, we aim to empower individuals and communities to create a brighter future for themselves and those around them.

Our Vision

We envision a society where people come together to support each other, where no one is left behind, and where compassion and kindness are at the heart of everything we do. We strive to bring hope and healing to those who need it most, and to inspire individuals and communities to take action toward creating a better future for all.

Inclusive Society

We envision a world where individuals with disabilities and special needs are fully included, respected, and valued within their communities.

Empowered Individuals

We strive to empower individuals with disabilities and special needs to achieve their dreams, pursue their passions, and live fulfilling lives.

Sustainable Impact

Our vision is to create sustainable, long-term impact through our efforts, ensuring that future generations continue to benefit from our work and advocacy.


The mission of Miracle By The Bay is to provide and promote social opportunity throughout the Tampa Bay area for special-needs youth and adults through community-based programming and events.


We envision a society where people come together to support each other, where no one is left behind, and where compassion and kindness are at the heart of everything we do. We strive to bring hope and healing to those who need it most, and to inspire individuals and communities to take action toward creating a better future for all.


Our mission is to provide and promote social opportunity throughout the Tampa Bay area for special-needs youth and adults through community-based programming and events.

Supportive Community

We create a supportive and inclusive community for individuals with disabilities and special needs, along with their families.

Quality of Life

We enhance the quality of life for these individuals by providing access to recreational activities, educational opportunities, and essential resources.

Power of Inclusion

We believe in the power of inclusion and strive to break down barriers, fostering a society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Awareness and Acceptance

We promote awareness and acceptance, ensuring that each person we serve is recognized and valued.


We advocate for accessibility, making sure that our programs, events, and resources are available to everyone in our community.

Full Potential

We are committed to helping each person we serve reach their fullest potential and live a life filled with joy, dignity, and purpose.

Supportive Community

We create a supportive and inclusive community for individuals with disabilities and special needs, along with their families.

Quality of Life

We enhance the quality of life for these individuals by providing access to recreational activities, educational opportunities, and essential resources.

Power of Inclusion

We believe in the power of inclusion and strive to break down barriers, fostering a society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Awareness and Acceptance

We promote awareness and acceptance, ensuring that each person we serve is recognized and valued.


We advocate for accessibility, making sure that our programs, events, and resources are available to everyone in our community.

Full Potential

We are committed to helping each person we serve reach their fullest potential and live a life filled with joy, dignity, and purpose.

About Matt Walker

Matthew Walker is driven to encourage, inspire, empower, and provide real opportunities for individuals with various disabilities to break down barriers, overcome obstacles and reach their fullest potential.

Born with cerebral palsy, Matthew is no stranger to the personal, professional, and everyday challenges that face people with disabilities and their families. He is a working example, demonstrating the can and do capabilities of people with various disabilities to positively impact our communities and make massive differences in the lives of people.

In 2005, at the age of eleven, Matthew and his wheelchair was invited by the Vice President of Communications of The Tampa Bay Rays Organization to be The Youth Voice of The Tampa Bay Rays on a trial basis, assisting with radio and TV broadcasts, play-by-play announcing and interviewing players, coaches, celebrities, and community leaders. His trial period was short-lived; it ended after his first three-game series. He spent 13 additional seasons with The Rays Organization.

In 2018, with a small team and limited resources, he put his passion, enthusiasm and unrelenting commitment to his vision into action and created Miracle By The Bay an organization dedicated to and serves as President and CEO.

Matthew and Miracle By The Bay are frequently recognized by public and private community organizations in St. Petersburg Florida for their contributions as advocates for the disabled and the numerous outreach programs sponsored by the Miracle By The Bay Organization and it’s partners. These events include ROC The Barriers, Special Needs Field Day, Miracle By The Bay Baseball, Thanksgiving Holiday Season of Giving, and Holiday Season of Giving | Toy and Food collection and distribution.

These community programs are frequently featured on television, radio, print and social media platforms.

Matthew’s passion, drive, determination, enthusiasm and “can and will do” spirit drives the growth, the reach and exponentially increases the number of individuals and families we look to serve.”

Our Team

At Miracle By The Bay, we believe that every person deserves access to the basic necessities of life, especially those with special needs. That is why we work tirelessly to provide support to those who are struggling. Through our programs and initiatives, we aim to empower individuals and communities to create a brighter future for themselves and those around them.

It is never to late to get involved and make a difference in the community!

Community Partners

Our work at Miracle By The Bay would not be possible without the generous support of our community partners. These local supporters play a crucial role in helping us provide all-inclusive programs and events for individuals with disabilities. Their contributions, whether through sponsorships, resources, or volunteer efforts, enable us to make a meaningful impact in the lives of those we serve. We are deeply grateful for their dedication and partnership in creating a more inclusive and supportive community.